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Discover essential resources and links that provide guidance, support, and valuable connections to further your journey

Welcome to Our Links and Resources

Here, you’ll find a curated list of trusted resources to support you and your goals.

Whether you’re exploring employment, community programs, or opportunities to learn and grow, these links provide valuable insights and connections that align with our mission. Dive in to discover tools, guidance, and partnerships that help you make a meaningful impact with Opportunities, Inc.

Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

DWD efficiently delivers effective and inclusive services to meet Wisconsin’s diverse workforce needs, and advocates for the protection and economic advancement of all Wisconsin workers, employers, and job seekers.

Birth to 3 Program, Wisconsin Department of Health Services

The Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program is an early intervention special education program. It helps children under the age of 3 who have delays or disabilities.

Aging and Disability Resource Centers Wisconsin

Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin.

Jefferson County Human Services

Enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families living in Jefferson County by addressing their needs in a respectful manner and enable citizens receiving services to function as independently as possible, while acknowledging their cultural differences.

Dodge County Human Services

Offering a range of essential services, from adult and child protective services to mental health treatment, economic support, and public health programs.

Long Term Care and Support Wisconsin

Providing long-term care service or support due to disability, getting older, or a chronic illness that limits the ability to do the things that are part of daily routine.

Guardianship Information

Basic information about guardianships, legal custody, and physical custody in Wisconsin to assist school professionals in supporting students and families.

Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin, Work Smart Program

Dedicating resources towards innovative workforce strategies designed to empower individuals and support the growth of local industries.