The Community Transition Program is a community based vocational service that offers youth a multitude of options to support their transition from school to work. Students receive pre-employment skills training, job exploration, work experiences and individualized placement services to assist in the identification and pursuit of future career goals. The program also links students to vital resources for a smooth transition from the education system to post-secondary service options.

Our world is evolving and young people want the freedom to explore new opportunities to learn and grow at a much faster pace. Opportunities, Inc. believes youth with diverse abilities seek similar options and deserve every opportunity to achieve their individual goals and dreams. Our Community Employment team has created a program that is designed to help youth with diverse abilities find employment opportunities in the workplace that will help them discover their full potential. 

Individualized | Employment Focused | Community Based | Collaboration

career discovery

Career exploration

Using customized online system development for students with disabilities, this service offers Interest Inventory and Learning Assessment Profiles and Reports

company tours

Industry specific businesses will be showcased in small group visits to inform students on the options for employment available in their community.

Job shadows*

Observe a realistic working environment on a short term basis, which will present true to life examples of job responsibilities, acceptable work behaviors and overall knowledge of career options.

college & workforce development center tours

Visit and learn about the job preparation programs and services available for youth to expand knowledge on future career choices.

work readiness

Skills training

Self-Advocacy & Personal Responsibility

Job Readiness: Attitude, Communication, Teamwork abnd  Interpersonal Social Skills

Job Seeking: Job Search, Online Resources, Networking, Resumes, Applications and Interviewing

Job Keeping: Employer Expectations, Teamwork, Workplace Conduct and Safety

learning events

Career Mentoring Sessions

Unique small group mentoring session at business host site focusing on interviewing and proper work etiquette. Interview skills are sharpened.


Focus on the meaning of “Dream Job” and the steps to pursuing it. Guest employers share their personal dream job stories and expert advisement.

Benefit analysis* and

guardianship information

Consult, information and referral for services to prepare for next steps in community independence and employment.

Partner with division of vocational rehabilitation

Information and guidance in connecting with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

work based learning

work experience*

Community employers provides a paid work assignment to last from 2-12 weeks. The intern learns work skills, expands knowledge and engages in team relations through real work environment.

job development*

Student and specialist cooperate in the job seeking and placement process to secure permanent community employment.

job coaching*

Individual support, instruction and guidance is provided at employment site (and off-site) to assist student in transition to work environment utilizing specific training techniques and strategies that promote independence and job satisfaction.

*possible cost-share with DVR

For more information on Opportunities Community Transition Service please contact

Lisa Norman | Employment Services Coordinator

CLICK HERE to view our Community Transition Services Planning Guide

Opportunities, Inc.’s innovative school to work services promote community, employment and independence!

  • 15 Years of Program Success!
  • Over 500 Students Served!
“I was impressed on how well prepared the interviews were and how they presented themselves during the tour. Interviewing for jobs is a difficult process as in most cases it’s hard to toot your own horn, but it becomes more comfortable with experience. I just hope the students took as much away from the experience as I was able to gain from it.”

-Ken Kostroski

Production Manager

“I enjoyed practicing my interviewing skills and being given feedback on improvement. The best part of the company tour was meeting the executives and learning all the steps in making the products.”

-Terry Frye


“Opportunities, Inc. has been an outstanding resource for the students in the School District of Waukesha. This collaboration has benefitted our students’ transition to life after high school and especially employment. We are grateful for the partnership”

-Bruce Massman

Special Education Coordinator