tools for transition


  • 1
    Birth Certificate/Social Security Card
  • 2
    Employment ID
  • 3
    Work Permit
  • 4
    Transportation Plan


  • 1
    Complete OI Referral Process
  • 2
    Parent Permission
  • 3
    IEP Transition Services

Prepare for employment

For Students Exiting School in 4-5 Years

  • Company Tours
  • Career Planning – Interest Inventory / Learning Assessments
  • Skills Training – Personal Responsibility / Self-Advocacy / Goal Setting

Plan for employment

For Students Exiting School in 2-3 Years

  • Job Shadows
  • Skills Training
    • Job Readiness: Attitude / Communication / Teamwork / Interpersonal Social Skills
    • Job Seeking: Job Search / Online Resources / Networking / Resumes / Applications / Interviewing
    • Job Keeping: Employer Expectations / Teamwork / Workplace Conduct / Safety
  • Work Experiences
  • Job Coaching
  • Connect to Division of Vocational Rehabilitation  (2 years prior to exiting school services

pursue employment

For Students Exiting School in 1-2 Years

  • Job Shadows
  • College and Workforce Development Center Tours
  • Skills Training
    • Job Readiness: Attitude / Communication / Teamwork / Interpersonal Social Skills
    • Job Seeking: Job Search / Online Resources / Networking / Resumes / Applications / Interviewing
    • Job Keeping: Employer Expectations / Teamwork / Workplace Conduct / Safety
  • Work Experiences
  • Job Placement
  • Job Coaching
  • Benefit Analysis
  • Guardianship Information
  • Connect to Division of Vocational Rehabilitation  (2 years prior to exiting school services

For more information on Opportunities, Inc. Community Transition Services contact:

Robin Kennedy | VP Mission Advancement | 920-563-2437 ext. 3015