In today’s digital age, social media has become more than just a platform for staying connected – it’s a gateway to a world of opportunities, insights, and connections. In a fast-paced world where information is constantly evolving, following us on social media ensures that you’re always in the know. From upcoming events to day to day activities of our Mission, our social media channels are your direct line to all the latest happenings at Opportunities, Inc.

Social media isn’t just about broadcasting – it’s about building meaningful connections and engaging in authentic conversations. By following us, you become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share your passions, interests, and support our Mission. Connect with us, share your thoughts, and join the conversation!

Don’t forget to invite your family & friends to do the same!

  • FIND company & community engagement, event announcements and more at Opportunities, Inc!

  • SEE what is happening at Life Academy in Beaver Dam!
  • LEARN interview tips, inspiration for your career and current job openings at DPSworks!

  • FOLLOW our company for all our open job postings, announcements & events!
  • WATCH our Mission in Motion, event recaps and service spotlights!

  • CONNECT with our Opportunities, Inc. and DPS teams to learn more about job openings, career advancements and advice!