job skills


our Vocational training services offer the most authentic work experience and environment for a diverse workforce

Vocational Training

Empowering a Diverse Workforce

Opportunities, Inc. provides vocational training services that offer an authentic work experience for individuals of all abilities. Our program focuses on skill-building, inclusion, and personal growth, creating opportunities for everyone to succeed.

Our Programs

Tailored Opportunities for Growth and Inclusion

Our innovative project setup ensures a range of job options are available, catering to various skill levels. Through the Special Wage Certificate program, participants can engage in meaningful work with pay rates that match their performance, promoting dignity and respect.

Our integrated workforce encourages collaboration, diversity, and inclusion.

Participants experience a real-world, competitive employment environment, building strong team connections.

Individualized training plans are designed to help participants develop skills, gain independence, and become contributing members of the community.

Our approach empowers everyone to advance at their own pace, focusing on personal growth and productivity.

At Opportunities, Inc., we believe in creating a supportive and inclusive workplace where everyone has the chance to thrive.